I'm a very optimistic person by nature, sometimes to a fault, but it's who I am. I would rather watch Fareed Zakaria's special "Putting America Back to Work" than to watch a gloom and doom scenario of a six month melt-down if we don't start bringing down the debt. I wanted to write my thoughts about some good ideas coming from the Clinton Global Initiative but a stupid letter caught my attention.
First things first, I'll answer this
letter -to -the editor of what the author thought was 18 questions for Democrats but it really only amounted to five questions, and the rest are at best assumptions with an ending of "duh." I was a little hesitant because this letter falls into the “why bother" category. I'm assuming the letter writer forgot about the financial crisis of 2008, the 700,000 job losses a month and the Republican's part in that fiasco. His letter is to Democrats, so I assume he thinks his party is doing fine, and America is in line with his thinking. It'll be useless to tell him that consumer confidence is at 42% and rising or that his leader Mitt Romney thinks he's even with the president because of one national poll. I'm sure the letter writer doesn't know the importance of the battleground states; if Romney loses Ohio and Florida; it's over for him, and he's losing both right now.
1...The first question calls for speculation; a more proper question would be; why did you vote for Obama? I'm not into hero worship, and I know one man can't possibly handle all the problems for 300 million people, but I do know the role of 535 members of Congress. I do admire the president's intelligence, I like his history of pulling himself up by his bootstraps from welfare, to the president of the Harvard Law Review, state senator, United States Senator and then to the president of United States.
2... The president did not accomplish anything that would satisfy a right-wing republican. The president assembled advisers to come up with a stimulus bill to stop the massive job losses he inherited. The first piece of legislation he signed was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (equal pay for equal work) which gave the author's wife, daughter, girlfriend, niece the opportunity and to get equal pay for equal work. I believe the Affordable Health Care Act will reform our health care, make it accessible for 31 million Americans and eventually lower the cost curve. Meanwhile, he was instrumental in repealing “Don’t Ask Don't Tell" and did I mention that “GM is alive and Bin Laden's dead." That’s off the top of my head.
3.... Like all presidents, his future accomplishments depend on the makeup of the Congress. Will it be another one of obstruction? I see him setting back in his oval office chair in his third year of his second term ,reaping the benefits of the policies he put in place.
4.... I would like to see the evidence of the president attacking the first or the second amendment... I would have liked him to go after the ammo extension clips.
5.... A good course of government and civics would answer the author's worries about a single man lead us toward socialism or communism...I don't have time.
6-10 & 14... Again the author did not offer any evidence for his charge of speaking out of both sides of his mouth but he's a Mitt Romney supporter; he must give a lot of leeway on this. The letter writer has to come into the 21st century because then he would know the Air Force, I, is equipped with loads and loads of communication equipment; it's a 24/7 job. I don't know of any appointments that are going to Chicago hoods, and his characterization of giveaway programs sounds a lot like Mitt Romney's 47% comment. The administration's green jobs are on the back burner until the economy recovers.
11-13... I guess the entire work force is public and private; 7% of the private sector workforce is unionized and 32% of the public workforce is unionized. The administration never attempted to bring up or pass what labor wanted;CARD CHECK laws. The president (much to the dismay of the unions)stayed out of the Wisconsin recall battle and the latest Chicago teacher strike.Large companies are moving out union supported areas to benefit their their bottom line; you know, lower wages with no benefits.
The writer (not knowing that the GOP Congress holds the purse strings) says the president is spending us into total oblivion. Check the Fortune 500 companies’ balance sheet, check the Wall Street CEO's bonus checks, the Dow Jones Averages, and the fact that other countries are still investing in America. What your Democratic friends say is totally irrelevant because nationally, Democrats are lined up behind Obama, you might check what prominent Republicans are saying about Romney. Just go online and you'll find it in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal or RedSate.
15-18... The president's defense Secretary Robert Gates (holdover from the Bush administration) initiated the defense cuts of our bloated defense system. I've yet to hear the Pentagon ever tell Congress that they didn't need more money. The defense cuts will be negotiated. You'll never apologize because you will never admit that Bush’s premeditated attack on Iraq was the worse foreign policy ever perpetrated by our nation. You will never admit the fallacy of two tax cuts for the wealthy while engaging in two wars, and passing a $7 trillion prescription-drug bill was a colossal mistake, that we're still paying for today. I just read where Texas was breaking ground on their end of the keystone pipeline. I like your closing line because like the start, it doesn't have any basis in the truth and doesn't really make any sense.
The letter writer is a low- information voter who will always vote Republican but other than what he learns from Fox News; he's clueless. I've never seen a letter from him praising Mitt Romney, but he falls into the typical hate Obama crowd. He reminds me of Ann Coulter and Bay Buchanan, who this weekend tried to convince the panel on the ABC and NBC talk shows that Romney was right about the 47%. It also falls in line with what will be the new attack talking point Fox News and the GOP will use against the president. Yesterday, Chris Wallace tried to make headlines by saying that “President Obama has time for Whoopi Goldberg but not for foreign leaders." That's so childish because the Secretary of State will continue where she left off with the foreign leaders when they come to the U.N. summit. The leaders know that she talks for the president and he is just a cell phone call away. The president has enough self confidence to delegate his authority without fear of losing his authority. His opponents will also try to make hay out of him saying that the unrest in the Middle East was a bump- in- the- road Mitt Romney immediately pounced on that saying that the killing of our ambassador and three other Americans was not a bump- in -the- road That’s a sign of desperation because it's totally irresponsible to think that a president would think that the killing of Americans was not of the utmost importance. Any reasonable person should know that the president meant that a new democracy will have some bumps in the road.
Well if nothing else;I feel a lot better now.