There’s no reason to be in this predicament because this
crisis was self -manufactured. Conservatives will tell us that the debt is too high,
and we need to cut back our spending and start reforming our tax code and entitlements.
Who can disagree with that, as one side of the argument? That’s an argument for
austerity that’s doesn’t work but we don’t have to throw the baby out with the bath
water. That’s where the word compromise
comes in to play.
Let’s go back a couple of weeks ago to see what the
conservatives thought was important. The GOP basically said that the deficit
and debt were OK because they didn’t have any problems funding the government
and increasing the debt limit. The most
important thing to the House GOP was defunding Obamacare. In order to accomplish
that they would need at least 289 votes in their own chamber to override a
presidential veto. They have 232 party members meaning they would need 57
Democrats. They would also need to persuade 13 Senate Democrats to go along with
their scheme. As a prominent Republican said, “a fool’s errand.” True conservatives can do the math.
This morning Republican representative from Wisconsin, Sean
Duffy said he thought it was perfectly reasonable to put the president and
Congress on Obamacare without government subsidies, as most Americans. The
question I have to ask (and Mika Brzezinski did) “is this why you shut down the
government? “Again we have to get back to basics. Only 15% of Americans are
eligible for Obamacare. Employer
contribution is what the Congressman is calling subsidies because it makes it sound
cynical. The American taxpayer is the employer of federal employees. It’s
common knowledge that those in the exchange (15%) will not get employer
contribution but many will get subsides. Many on the “Morning Joe “advised the
congressman to write a bill, get Cosponsors and proceed through the normal parliamentary
procedure, but that shouldn’t be part of a CR or a reason not to raise the debt
I saw where two or three people in our local newspaper are
blaming the Democrats and President Obama for the shutdown. Will our local
newspaper be like the Houston Chronicle (they endorsed Ted Cruz) and only start
telling its readers the truth when it’s too late, just so they won’t offend a
potential subscriber? I know those two
or three people didn’t see the polls where 74% of Americans blame the GOP for
the shutdown. And even if they did, they have a way of ignoring anything
negative by calling it media bias. A newspaper shouldn’t “go along to get
The Senate will likely pass a bipartisan bill to open the
government and raise the debt limit this afternoon. They will send it over to
the House where it will likely be passed with just enough Republicans. Look
back people and ask, “was all this worth
it and do we really want to go through this again in a few months?” It’s
not out of your hands because one of 80 representatives who signed a letter
calling for this shutdown way back in the summer was Blake Farenthold.
A little off topic but a month ago I was asked about a medical questionnaire that was superimposed by Obamacare, that asked some very private questions.
Yesterday, while on a routine doctor’s visit, I was handed a sheet of paper and asked to draw a clock and to put a dot in the middle of the clock, along with the appropriate numbers. My Dr. said it was a Medicare requirement to test for early signs of dementia or Alzheimers. He also had me answer several questions to see if I was depressed.
I believe primary care physicians will now have the tools to refer their patients to the proper specialists who can help them. People can call it death panels or government intrusions all they want.
Now that the senate has passed their bill,our two Texas senators voted no....I bet all the Texas Republican legislators in the House will vote no..
But Cory Booker won in New Jersey!!!
That was a gimme ,Booker ,although very popular in New Jersey was running against one of those tea party crazies who had Sarah Palin campaign for him...:-)
Government is no open and debt limit increased .
All they needed was 216 tonight..86 Republicans voted yes and 197 Dems voted yes....Again Nancy Pelosi delivered all but three Democrats.
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